WordPress localhost xampp “Object not found!” issue fix

Object not found! screenshot

The homepage usually works fine, however child pages throw an error. Normally this is a problem caused by .htaccess file settings. In order to fix it go to https://wordpress.org/support/article/htaccess/ and copy the defaults (remember not to commit the changes to the live website once you’re done local development). Then go to /wp-login.php and log in to the back-end. Navigate to /wp-admin/options-permalink.php and select “Save changes” button twice. This will rebuild the permalinks structure and make it work with your local environment. Remember to test in incognito or clear your browser’s cache just in case. The “Object not found!” issues should disappear.

“Object not found!” error is quite standard and happens the whole time when deploying WordPress sites. I stumbled upon a similar issue, however, I couldn’t access /wp-login.php After a while of tinkering I noticed that the website was using a plugin that redirected the login page to another url (for security or in an attempt to “hide” that the website is using WordPress – I’ll not get into that). The solution is to temporarily disable the plugin by renaming its folder name. Then you should access /wp-login.php Once the permalinks are rebuilt, restore the plugin folder’s name to original.

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